Society of Classical Studies 156th Annual Meeting
JANUARY 2-5, 2025
Call for Papers for Joint Panel Sponsored by the American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy and the American Society of Papyrologists
New Directions in Papyrology and Epigraphy in the 21st Century
Organized by James Sickinger (Florida State University) and Christelle Fischer-Bovet (University of Southern California)
The American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy and the American Society of Papyrologists both represent disciplines that are unique for providing new primary sources for study of the ancient world. Both societies also wish to promote dialogues between these two fields, and we therefore jointly invite proposals for papers reflecting the ongoing contributions of papyrological and epigraphic material by addressing recently discovered epigraphic or papyrological texts, novel reinterpretations of older documents, or new methodological approaches to the study of epigraphic or papyrological texts (or both). Papers may address individual texts or groups of texts, as well as similarities or differences arising from the study of documents on different materials.
Papers should deploy evidence that is preserved either epigraphically (on stone, metal, or other durable material) or on papyri, ostraka, or wooden tablets (in Greek, Latin, Coptic, demotic Egyptian, Arabic, or other pertinent languages). Papers that engage with a combination of different materials (e.g., inscriptions and papyri) or take a comparative approach, as well as multi-authored papers pairing epigraphers and papyrologists, are also welcome.
Please send abstracts that follow the guidelines for individual abstracts (see the SCS Guidelines for Authors of Abstracts) by email, as a Word or PDF e-mail attachment, to James Sickinger at jsicking [at] fsu [dot] edu or Christelle Fischer-Bovet at fischerb [at] usc [dot] edu by February 15, 2024. Abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words (excluding bibliography) and suitable for a 20- minute presentation. Ensure that the abstracts are anonymous. The organizers will review all submissions anonymously, and their decision will be communicated to the authors of abstracts by mid-April, with enough time that those whose abstracts are not chosen can participate in the individual abstract submission process for the upcoming SCS meeting. Please note that authors submitting abstracts must be SCS members in good standing and will need to register for the 2025 meeting.