The British Epigraphy Society
Autumn Colloquium and AGM 2013
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Institute of Classical Studies
Senate House, London (G22/26)Epigraphy in Action
10.00-11.00 Registration and Morning Coffee
11.00-12.00 Morning Session I
Prof. Peter Kruschwitz (Reading), Inscribing the uninscribable: exploring the fringes of the ancient epigraphic habit12.00-13.00 Morning Session II
Dr Patrice Hamon (Rouen), editing a corpus of the inscriptions of Thasos: late Classical and Hellenistic documents15.00 AGM (Members only)
15.30-16.30 Afternoon Session I
Dr Ludwig Meier (Heidelberg), The treaty between Rome and Kibyra: new evidence and new interpretations17.00 Afternoon Session II
Prof. Henrik Mouritsen (KCL), Status and hierarchies in the Roman Empire: the case of Pompeii17.45 Epigraphic reports
18.30 Finale: Young epigraphy – Posters and drinks
Please see attached Programme and Flyer (PDF).