The British Epigraphy Society
Autumn Colloquium and AGM 2011
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Institute of Classical Studies
Senate House, London (G22/26)
10.00-11.00 Registration and Morning Coffee
11.00-12.00 Morning Session I
Prof. Robin Osborne (Cambridge), The epigraphic history of Thespiai
12.00-13.00 Morning Session II
Prof. Silvia Orlandi (Rome), Re-editing CIL VI, Inscriptiones in Amphitheatro Flavio repertae: new methods and results
13.00 Lunch Break
14.00 Epigraphic talks in the British Museum (choice of one):
a) The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III, 9th c. BC (Dr K. Radner)
b) The bronze mirror showing Herekele and Mlacuch, 5th c. BC (Dr J. Clackson)
c) The Oscan inscription from the Porta di Nola at Pompeii, 2nd c. BC (Prof. M. Crawford)
d) The ossuary of Nikanor of Alexandria, c. 1st c. BC/ 1st c. AD (Dr M. Williams)
e) Two imperial letters to Ephesus, 2nd c. AD (Dr B. Salway)
14.30 AGM (Members only)
15.00 Afternoon Session I
Prof. Thomas Corsten (Vienna), Epigraphic sidelights on the history of Lycia
16.00 Virtual Epigraphy
– Dr Karen Radner (UCL): ‘SAA Online’
– Prof. Silvia Orlandi (Rome): ‘EAGLE/EDR’
– Dr Gabriel Bodard (KCL): ‘IOSPE (Black Sea)’
16.30 Afternoon Tea
17.00 Afternoon Session II
Prof. Michael Crawford (UCL), Does Diocletian’s Prices Edict tell us anything about the ancient economy?
18.00 Field Epigraphy
– Dr Nicholas Milner (Beckenham): ‘News from Oinoanda’
– Prof. Thomas Corsten (Vienna): ‘Epigraphic news from the Kibyratis’
18.30 Finale: Young epigraphy – Posters and drinks