The Epigraphic Culture(s) of Late Antiquity
Dates: Friday 26 – Saturday 27 June, 2009
Venue: Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg, Hauptstrasse 242 – Heidelberg (
Friday, 26th of June 2009
9.00 Christian WITSCHEL/Carlos MACHADO: Welcome and Introduction
I – The Late Antique Epigraphic Habit in the Western and Eastern Parts of the Roman Empire – Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects
9.10: Christian WITSCHEL (Heidelberg): “Spätantike Inschriftenkulturen im Westen des Imperium Romanum – ein Überblick”
10.10: Charlotte ROUECHÉ (London): “Late Antique Inscriptions in the
East: Evidence and Problems”
11.10 – 11.30: Coffee Break
II – Late Antique Inscriptions in their Social and Physical Context
11.30: Carlos MACHADO (São Paulo/Heidelberg): “Dedicated to Eternity? The Re-Use of Statue Bases in Late Antique Italy”
12.30 – 14.00: Lunch Break
14.00: Dennis FEISSEL (Paris): “Elites et magistratures municipales dans l’épigraphie protobyzantine”
15.00: Silvia ORLANDI and Mara PONTISSO (Rome): “Discorsi su pietra: oratoria ed epigrafia nel Tardo Impero”
16.00 – 16.30: Coffee Break
16.30: Rudolf HAENSCH (Munich): “Zwei unterschiedliche epigraphische Praktiken: Kirchenbauinschriften in Italien und im Nahen Osten”
III – Regional Studies
17.30: Judit VÉGH (Heidelberg): „Inschriftenkultur(en) und Christentum im spätantiken Hispanien“
18:30: Lennart HILDEBRAND (Heidelberg): „Die Entwicklung der spätantiken Epigraphik Südgalliens – Inschriften als Indikator für gesellschaftliche Veränderungen?“
Saturday, 27th of June 2009
09:00: Ignazio TANTILLO (Rome): “Some Observations on the Evolution of the Epigraphic Habit in Late Roman Africa (with special reference to Tripolitania)”
10.00: Stephen MITCHELL (Exeter): “The Epigraphy of Asia Minor in Late Antiquity”
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee Break
11:30: Leah DI SEGNI (Jerusalem): “Late Antique Epigraphy in the
Provinces of Palaestina and Arabia: Realities and Change”
12.30 – 14.00: Lunch Break
IV – The New World of Christian Epigraphy
14.00: Claire SOTINEL (Paris): “How Christian is Christian Epigraphy?”
15.00: Lucy GRIG (Edinburgh): “Cultural Capital and Christianization:
the Metrical Inscriptions of Late Antique Rome”
16.00 – 16.30 Coffee Break
16.30: Final remarks
For further information, visit
Or contact Carlos Machado: