Two Etruscan titles available from BMCR

The only titles that leap out at me as being of specifically epigraphic interest from this month’s BMCR Books received list are both Etruscan:

*Benelli, Enrico (ed.). Thesaurus Linguae Etruscae. I. Indice lessicale. seconda edizione completamente riveduta sulla base della prima edizione pubblicata nel 1978 da Massimo Pallottino. Pisa: Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2009. xxxiv, 580 p. € 445.00. ISBN 9788862271356.

*Wallace, Rex E. Zikh Rasna: a manual of the Etruscan language and inscriptions. Ann Arbor; New York: Beech Stave Press, 2008. xxiii, 271 p. $64.95 (pb). ISBN 9780974792743.

As always contact to express your interest and qualifications in either of these titles.

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One Response to Two Etruscan titles available from BMCR

  1. Chuck Jones says:

    Thesaurus Linguae Etruscae 445EUR = $630 = a dollar a page with enough left over to bind it.
    A manual of the Etruscan language and inscriptions $65 = 15 cents a page with enough left over to bind it and buy lunch.

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