This is the new URL for HEpOl databank:
Nevertheless, the older one ( will remain active meanwhile migration from one to other system is in progress and to allow time for testing data completeness and the new features.
The move was made for several reason: to facilitate a more mnemonic address, to highlight several non-apparent upgrades (migrating from a Windows-based server to UNIX, for instance) and to unify the URL with those used by the EAGLE consortium, in which HEpOl is now a full partner.
In line with this, notice the new common search routine for all EAGLE’s databases at this gateway:
I would urge whoever is responsible for the domain to maintain a redirect from the old URL to the new site for as long as possible, preferably in perpetuity. With responsible custodianship there’s no reason that sites should keep disappearing from the Web.
There are no plans to close site, which will keep a link to the new HEpOl site.