Prof. Juan M. Abascal (U. of Alicante) has made of his personal website a gateway to several useful resources for epigraphers:
- A direct access to the Museo Virtual de Segobriga, the website of this important archaeological site in Central Spain, offering several views of the city’s main monuments (like this one on the forum) and a catalogue of the artefacts found during more than a century of archaeological explorations; the database includes about 15000 records and 5000 photos, among them those containing description, bibliography and images of near 600 inscriptions like this one. Other links point to teaching materials (in Spanish), a complete bibliography and other scholarly stuff related to Segobriga, many of them offering downloadable complete text versions of books and papers.
- El anaquel de Spantamicus, a sort of personal library with references to several scholars’ work, mostly on Spanish topics (Alföldy, Blázquez, Fita, García y Bellido, himself, Le Roux, Stylow, Tovar, et cet.); many of the citations deals with epigraphical matter and there are downloadable complete versions of the original printed pieces.
- Abascal’s own actual research, like this listing of digitalized works on José Córnide, a Spanish XVIII century traveller with a kind eye for ancient monuments and inscriptions.