Inés Sastre and her colleagues from the CSIC (the Spanish National Research Council) have circulated the announcement of the discovery of a new bronze tessera hospitalitis dated by the consuls of 27 A.D. The piece was dug up some months ago during archaeological work in a small settlement beside a gold mine close to Pino del Oro, Zamora, where only two unconnected fragments with parts of the dating and the pact were found. The agreement deals with the renewal of [hospitium], amicitia and isopoliteia between an ignotum and the civitas Bletisama.
Inés also tells that a full study of the document will be shortly published in ZPE; meanwhile, she sent this booklet from which I am extracting this information:
- Inés Sastre, Alejandro Beltrán, Fco. Javier Sánchez Palencia, Damián Romero, El bronce de El Picón – Pino de Oro, Zamora. Madrid 2009 [ISBN 978-84-00-08761-6].
She also has called for a one-day meeting to be held in her institute in Madrid on April 1st to discuss the new find. For more information, write her or Alejandro Beltrán.