1-2 pm, Classics Centre, St. Giles
An informal discussion group open to all. Bring a sandwich!
15 October 2007
Riet van Bremen, The date and context of the Archippe decrees from Kyme (SEG 33, 1035-1041)
22 October 2007
Angelos Chaniotis, How did a young man spend his time in late Hellenistic Aphrodisias? A new funerary epigram
29 October 2007
Patrice Hamon, Democracy and strategoi in the Aeolian city of Kyme
5 November 2007
Charles Crowther, The Necropolis of Perrhe
12 November 2007
Robert Parker, A New Sale of Priesthood from Priene
26 November 2007
Thomas Corsten, A New Inscription from Pisidia