Sandrómaca, writing on the Miscellaena Classica blog, provides a text of, and offers some personal reflections on CIL I² 1211 (= ILS 8403), the epitaph of a Roman matron of the second century AD.
Noted by way of Antiquitatis Nuntii.
This inscription is also registered in the Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (EDCS), but evidently not in EDH or EDR. Therein we find the following publication lemma:
CIL 06, 15346 (p 3517, 3913) = CIL 01, 01211 (p 970) = CLE 00052 = D 08403 = ILLRP 00973 = AE 2001, +00011
Hermann Dessau’s edition of this text can be viewed online (as an image) via the Google Books copy of Volume II, part 2 of his Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae. Searching in the book for the text number takes you directly to ILS 8403.
As observed before, viewing the whole text in Google Books is only possible from the US. Over here in the UK we can search and see a two-inch high slice of the page, but no more.