L’Année épigraphique 2021

Mireille Corbier (corbier@msh-paris.fr), directeur de L’Année épigraphique, fait savoir que L’Année épigraphique 2021 (1625 notices et 968 pages dont 213 pages d’index) a été publiée en août 2024 et est disponible. Les commandes doivent être adressées aux Presses Universitaires de France (revues@humensis.com).

Mireille Corbier (corbier@msh-paris.fr), director of  L’Année épigraphique, announces that L’Année épigraphique 2021 (containing 1625 entries, and 968 pages, including 213 pages of index) was published in August, 2024, and is now available. Orders should be sent to Presses Universitaires de France at revues@humensis.com

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INSCRIBE at the Roots of Writing (Bologna, Sep 11–13, 2024)

From the conference website: https://site.unibo.it/inscribe/en/inscribe-at-the-roots-of-writing

INSCRIBE at the Roots of Writing

The conference INSCRIBE at the Roots of Writing aims to contribute to the ongoing study on this topic by gathering a group of distinguished scholars and experts on the evolution of writing, early script invention, decipherment prospects, digital humanities & AI research applied to ancient scripts. It will take place over three days, each with a different theme: The Evolution and Invention of Writing The Decipherment of Ancient Scripts: State-of-the-Art Digital Humanities and AI applied to Ancient Scripts.


                Day 1 – 11 September 2024

Morning (10:00): The Evolution of Writing
              Afternoon (14:00): The Invention of Writing

                Day 2 – 12 September 2024

Morning (10:00): Invention and Re-invention of Writing
              Afternoon (14:00): The Decipherment of Ancient Scripts

                Day 3 – 13 September 2024

Morning (10:00): Digital Humanities and AI Applied to Ancient Scripts
              Afternoon (14:00): Junior Scholars Session

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EpiDoc Training, Foggia (30 settembre–4 ottobre 2024)

EpiDoc Training

Foggia, 30 settembre—4 Ottobre 2024

Dipartimento Studi Umanistici, via Arpi 176

Per iscriversi compilare il Modulo a questo link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1oD–ap7jzIrd0ASAde5v9tpEbBUxWz2Ihyl8-4N2Wi8

Per informazioni rivolgersi a silvia.evangelisti@unifg.it

Iniziativa organizzata nell’ambito del PRIN PNRR 2022 “Epigraphic Poetry in Ancient Campania” (cod. P2022SFXHC – CUP D53D23019820001)

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Journal of Epigraphic Studies 7 (2024) just published

The Journal of Epigraphic Studies 7 (2024) has just been published. Please download the table of contents together with a subscription form below. AIEGL members benefit from 25% discount for subscriptions to JES and from a 10% discount for the purchase of other journals and books published by Fabrizio Serra Editore.

For more details about subscription, the submission procedure and the editorial rules, please visit: http://www.libraweb.net/riviste.php?chiave=137&h=430&w=300

Depliant The Journal of Epigraphic Studies 7 2024_definitivo

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NEW BOOK: New Research in Greek Epigraphy in Lycia

New Research in Greek Epigraphy in Lycia.
Proceedings of the Symposium at Antalya, Türkiye, 28-30 March 2022

Edited by Fatih ONUR & Christof SCHULER

This book contains the proceedings of the international symposium “New Research in Greek Epigraphy in Lycia” held at the Koç University Suna & İnan Kıraç Research Center for Mediterranean Civilizations (AKMED) in Antalya, Turkey on 28-30 March 2022. The symposium was organised by the editors of this volume together with the director of AKMED, Oğuz Tekin, and aimed to bring together all epigraphers currently engaged in fieldwork in Lycia either excavation or survey.

Link to the book


  1. Michael WÖRRLE Zeus at Limyra and the ‘Spirit’ of Perikles
  2. Denis ROUSSET A Decree from Xanthos Concerning a Great Benefactor
  3. Hüseyin UZUNOĞLU A New Hellenistic Honorific Decree from Lyrnai in Octapolis
  4. Fatma AVCU Honours for King Mithradates VI Eupator of Pontus: A New Decree from Çukurasar on the Lycian-Carian Frontier
  5. Fatih ONUR Notes on the Border Regions of Lycia: Oktapolis, Milyas and Mnarike
  6. Nicholas MILNER, with a contribution by Jürgen HAMMERSTAEDT Moles and Oinoanda in the Reign of Augustus
  7. Şenkal KİLECİ – Nihal TÜNER ÖNEN Restoration Works in Kibyra during the Claudian Period: New Inscriptions, τὰ σεβαστὰ ἔργα of the Lycian Governor Quintus Veranius and New Inscriptions Concerning His Family
  8. Christian MAREK New Evidence on Kaunos in the Province of Lycia
  9. Christof SCHULER New Work on the Lighthouse Inscription at Patara
  10. Patrick BAKER – Gaétan THÉRIAULT Dedications of a Building in Honour of the Emperors Nero and Vespasian in Xanthos
  11. Taner KORKUT – Ş. Recai TEKOĞLU – M. Ertan YILDIZ The Marcii, A Leading Family from Tlos
  12. Selen KILIÇ ASLAN Some Chronological Considerations about the Marriage of C. Licinnius Thoas and Licinnia Tation from Oinoanda
  13. Christoph SAMITZ Aus der Arbeit an den «Tituli Asiae Minoris» II: A Workshop of High Quality Sarcophagi in Antiphellos
  14. Thomas CORSTEN New Inscriptions from the Excavations at St Nicholas’ Church in Myra/Demre
  15. Aykan AKÇAY Multi-methodological Approach (RTI & SfM ) to the Inscriptions of the Sanctuary of Ares at Ekizce in the Territory of Phaselis
  16. Klaus ZIMMERMANN A Funerary Epigram on Eudemos, Bishop of Patara
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Digital tools for the research and study of ancient writing cultures (MOOC)

We are very pleased to announce the publication of the open online course ‘Digital tools for the research and study of ancient writing cultures’ on the dariahTeach platform (in collaboration with Dariah Teach, part of DARIAH ERIC), as the final result of our ENCODE outputs: https://lnkd.in/e64KeB8K

The course includes user-friendly training materials of various digital applications related to the study, research, preservation, and display of cultural heritage such as ancient written artefacts. It consists of 4 units (with multiple lessons, exercises and references to digital and other resources):

I. ‘Digital Greek and Latin Epigraphy’ provides an overview of digital tools for the study of Greek and Latin inscriptions, including ongoing projects and teaching methodologies
II. ‘Digital Papyrology’ covers the fundamental principles of papyrology and demonstrates how digital techniques have transformed the field
III. ‘Multilingual-Multicultural Digital Infrastructures’ offers insights into the interplay between language, culture, and digital infrastructures, based on the many digital corpora and resources which focus on ancient languages
IV: ‘How to create Linked Open Data (LOD)?’ presents examples of how Linked Data can be used in the study of ancient written artefacts

We invite you all to try out the ENCODE course (to enhance your digital competences in the study of ancient writing cultures), use it as course or training material, and send us your feedback!

The ENCODE project team

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Tyche Suppl 16: Cupcea, Latin Inscriptions from the legionary fortress of Apulum

Tyche Supplement Volume 16
George Cupcea, Latin Inscriptions from the legionary fortress of Apulum
212 pages | Softcover
Print: EUR 105,00 | Digital: € 65,00 | ISBN: 978-3-903207-75-2 | English

Pre-order now!

Dear readers, shortly after our Tyche Supplement 15 was printed, the follow-up volume is now available! Here, too, we are applying the print on demand principle, which means that we are now accepting pre-orders! A digital edition can also be found in our webshop and costs just € 65.-.


Description of the book:
Written as a volume of distinct exhaustive studies, ‘Latin Inscriptions form the Legionary Fortress of Apulum’ is more than a  technically crafted corpus of inscriptions, treating each discovery as a  ripe source for unique information on Roman army life and politics.
The inscriptions discovered in the legionary fortress of Apulum, the capital of Dacia, are exceptional finds, exclusively in situ, most of them from the headquarters (principia), but also from the barracks area. Because of this particular quality, they are more than individual texts, also becoming objects that, because of their precise findspot may reveal valuable information on use of space, private or public functionality of monuments or iconographic language of the political acts of the army.

In the volume one can find collective or individual statue bases of emperors, on their precise findspot, lists of centurions and special dedications by important officers and governors, the emergence of Serapis in the official spaces of the army, the worship place of the century in the barracks and not last, the first double confirmation (epigraphic and archaeological) of a military prison. With an inventory of the earlier epigraphic finds in the fortress, the volume attempts to suggest the magnificent view that one could have had when strolling through a legionary fortress: alleys between barracks decorated with statues and altars to the genii, crossroads with garnished sundials and the principia courtyard filled with imperial statues on impressive marble bases, finally the sanctuary of the eagle, where only Jupiter and Mars were also tolerated. Because of its multi-level of information provided, the volume could be a valuable instrument both to the student of the Roman army and epigraphy and to the experienced scholar, envisaging wider, more inclusive approaches

For enquiries or pre-orders please contact:  office@verlagholzhausen.at

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Report of the VIII. Epigraphy.info Workshop (Berlin, April 3rd-5th 2024)

Dear Digital Epigraphers,
We are glad to announce the publication of the report of the 8th Epigraphy.info workshop, held in Berlin in March 2024.
Bastero, M., Duce Pastor, E., de la Escosura Balbás, M. C., & Heřmánková, P. (2024). Epigraphy.info VIII Workshop in Berlin: Report from the Steering Committee
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Ancient Egyptian Magic and Astronomy (summer school, Sept 12–22, 2024)

(Posted for Gabriele Conte.)

The University of Pisa is pleased to announce the launch of a new Summer School programme: ‘Ancient Egyptian Magic and Astronomy: Texts and Practices’. The Summer School is an intensive 7-day academic programme that aims to introduce students to the fascinating world of ancient Egyptian magic and astronomy. Classes will take place between 16 and 22 September 2024 and will be held fully online.

Italian and international experts in the field of Egyptian philology and archaeology will hold lessons on specific aspects of Egyptian magic, introducing the students to the main instruments and topics and focusing on significant case studies. Students will learn who were the magicians and practitioners of ancient Egyptian magic, what texts and objects were used to heal and protect, how the Egyptians interpreted the signs of the sky, and how they used them to gain insight into future events.

The Summer School is designed for students, professionals of Cultural Heritage, and people wishing to deepen their knowledge of Egyptology by having first-hand experience of the research conducted by scholars on specific topics.

The deadline for submitting applications is July 15, 2024.

For more information on the programme, teachers, application, check out the website: https://egyptologysummerschool.wordpress.com/

or contact us at egittologia.summerschool@gmail.com

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Posted on behalf of Pierre Fröhlich

Chères et chers collègues,

L’aire géographique de la base de données du ANR-DFG GymnAsia, consacré aux gymnases et à la culture athlétique dans l’Asie Mineure hellénistique et impériale, a été étendue : outre la Carie, lui ont été adjointes désormais Kos et Rhodes. La base est accessible à partir de la page d’accueil du site du projet : https://gymnasia.huma-num.fr/

Nous vous serions reconnaissants de nous faire parvenir vos remarques critiques à l’adresse : gymnasia-hotline@groupes.renater.fr. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis en place une liste de diffusion, à laquelle vous pouvez vous inscrire si vous souhaitez être informé des activités du projet GymnAsia: https://groupes.renater.fr/sympa/subscribe/gymnasia

Avec mes plus cordiales salutations, Pierre Fröhlich

Deutsche Fassung

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Das geografische Gebiet der Datenbank des ANR-DFG-Projekts GymnAsia, das sich mit Gymnasien und athletischer Kultur in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit befasst, wurde erweitert: Neben Karien sind nun auch Kos und Rhodos hinzugekommen. Die Datenbank ist bereits über die Startseite der Website zugänglich: https://gymnasia.huma-num.fr/ .

Wir wären Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie uns Ihre kritischen Anmerkungen an folgende Adresse senden würden: gymnasia-hotline@groupes.renater.fr. Außerdem haben wir eine Mailingliste eingerichtet, in die Sie sich eintragen können, wenn Sie über die Aktivitäten des GymnAsia-Projekts informiert werden möchten: https://groupes.renater.fr/sympa/subscribe/gymnasia

Mit herzlichen Grüßen, Pierre Fröhlich

English version

Dear Colleagues,

The geographical area of the ANR-DFG GymnAsia database, devoted to gymnasia and athletic culture in Hellenistic and Imperial Asia Minor, has been extended: in addition to Caria, Kos and Rhodes have now been added. The database can be consulted from the home page of the project website: https://gymnasia.huma-num.fr/

We would be grateful if you could send us your critical comments to: gymnasia-hotline@groupes.renater.fr.  We have also set up a mailing list to which you can subscribe if you would like to be kept informed of GymnAsia project activities: https://groupes.renater.fr/sympa/subscribe/gymnasia.

With warmest greetings, Pierre Fröhlich

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Actes du XVIe CIEGL de Bordeaux

Posted on behalf of Pierre Fröhlich

(english and german version below)

Chères et chers collègues,

J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution des Actes du XVIe CIEGL de Bordeaux:

Pierre Fröhlich et Navarro Caballero (éd.), L’épigraphie au XXIe siècle. Actes du XVIe congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine, Bordeaux 29 août-02 septembre 2022, Bordeaux, Ausonius (Scripta Antiqua, 177), 2024. 438 p.

Les Actes contiennent les trois conférences, l’essentiel des sessions plénières et quelques bilans de sections parallèles (voir la table des matières ci-jointe).

Bien cordialement,

Pierre Fröhlich

English version

Dear colleagues,

I am happy to announce the publication of the Proceedings of the XVIth CIEGL in Bordeaux:

Pierre Fröhlich and Navarro Caballero (eds.), L L’épigraphie au XXIe siècle. Actes du XVIe congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine, Bordeaux 29 août-02 septembre 2022, Bordeaux, Ausonius (Scripta Antiqua, 177), 2024. 438 p.

The Proceedings contain the three conferences, most of the plenary sessions and some summaries of the parallel sections (see attached table of contents).

With kind regards,

Pierre Fröhlich

Deutsche Fassung

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Ich freue mich, Ihnen die Publikation der Akten des XVI. CIEGL in Bordeaux ankündigen zu können:

Pierre Fröhlich und Navarro Caballero (Hrsg.), L’épigraphie au XXIe siècle. Actes du XVIe congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine, Bordeaux 29 août-02 septembre 2022, Bordeaux, Ausonius (Scripta Antiqua, 177), 2024. 438 S.

Der Band enthält die drei Konferenzen, den Großteil der Plenarsitzungen und einige Bilanzen der Parallelsektionen (siehe beigefügtes Inhaltsverzeichnis).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Pierre Fröhlich

L’Epigraphie au XXIe siècle Ausonius Editions SA 177

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EpiDoc training, Vienna, May 7–11, 2024

EpiDoc workshop *this week* in Vienna (in case you’re in the area!). Full programme, including lecture on digital papyrology, at https://ufind.univie.ac.at/de/course.html?lv=090120&semester=2024S. Posted for Chiara Cenati.

EpiDoc-Workshop mit Chiara CENATI (Universität Wien) und James COWEY (Universität Heidelberg)

7. – 11. Mai 2024

Zwischen 7. und 11. Mai bieten Chiara CENATI (Universität Wien) und James COWEY (Universität Heidelberg) im Rahmen der UE Altertumskunde: Digital Epigraphy and Papyrology für Studierende und Interessierte einen Workshop zu EpiDoc (TEI-XML) an.

Das vorläufige Programm finden Sie HIER.

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten: chiara.cenati@univie.ac.at
Bitte auch um Information, ob Interesse an der Teilnahme zur Einheit am Sa, 11.5. (MAPPOLA-Datenbank) besteht.

Auf Wunsch kann eine Teilnahmebestätigung ausgestellt werden.

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