Summer School: An Interdisciplinary History of Writing – Hamburg – 17-28 July 2023

The Cluster of Excellence “Understanding Written Artefacts” at the University of Hamburg invites applications to its 2023 Summer School:

An Interdisciplinary History of Writing (Hamburg – 17-28 July 2023)

Poster / Overview

Summary: Research on written artefacts is not all about the contents of texts. It begins with the physical object itself, be it a Mesopotamian clay tablet with cuneiform writing, an ancient rock inscription, an Indian palm-leaf manuscript, or a legal document written on parchment in medieval Europe. At this summer school, students investigate the composition of writing supports, ingredients of inks, and the binding of a codex. They also learn about the circumstances of the production, use and re-use, and the attribution of certain qualities or powers to a manuscript or other written artefacts. The course takes a global and comparative approach and is characterised by the cooperation between the humanities and the natural and computer sciences.

The course is open to students from the humanities, the natural sciences, or computer sciences with an interest in research on written artefacts (they should be at least be in their 2nd year of a BA/BSc programme or in MA/MSc programme), as well as to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. Potential participants can apply for a fee waiver and financial support for their travel costs.

More information on what is taught and how to apply is available on our website.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kaja Harter-Uibopuu
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften
Historisches Seminar – Arbeitsbereich Alte Geschichte
Überseering 35 #5, Raum 2009
22297 Hamburg
tel.: +49 (0)40 42838-4758


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One Response to Summer School: An Interdisciplinary History of Writing – Hamburg – 17-28 July 2023

  1. Dereje S, Woldemariam says:

    The research on “an interdisciplinary history of writing” to me is interesting field of area for my further studies; the written artifacts in the composition of writing supports, ingredients of inks, and the binding of a codex. Especially, for binding & artifacts objects in my country is not researching area to assessing the writing history of ‘Ethiopic’ in manuscripts. Therefore, for me as a Ph.D. philology student necessary as soon as possible. Sincerely, DS.

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