Posted on behalf of Dr. Ondřej Škrabal (石安瑞), University of Hamburg
The Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg, cordially invites you to an online workshop “Scratched, Scrawled, Sprayed… and Drawn: Multigraphic Graffiti Across Times and Cultures” on Friday, 2 July 2021, 1–5pm CEST. Please register hereto obtain the Zoom link. The full programme with abstracts is available here.
First Session: 01:00–02:30pm
Chair: Michael Macdonald (Oxford)
01:00–01:10pm Michael Friedrich (Hamburg): Introduction and Opening Remarks
01:10–01:50pm Sven Ouzman (Perth): Prose Has Its Cons: An Archaeological Understanding of Graffiti as Material Culture – Lessons from the Global South
01:50–02:30pm Polly Lohmann (Heidelberg): Seeing and Being Seen? Visibility, Affordance and the Roman ‘Graffiti Habit’
02:30–02:45pm Coffee break
Second Session: 02:45–05:00pm
Chair: Mia Trentin (Nikosia)
02:45–03:25pm Carlo Giovanni Cereti (Rome): Graffiti in the Iranian World: An Overview of the Middle Iranian Evidence
03:25–04:05pm Adam Łajtar (Warsaw): Devotional Graffiti in Christian Nubia. Two Case Stud-ies: Banganarti and Sonqi Tino
04:05–04:45pm Alexey Kirichenko (Moscow): Beyond the Programmed? Multigraphic Content in Buddhist Monuments of Upper Burma
04:45–05:00pm General Discussion and Concluding Remarks