Posted on behalf of Dr. Ondřej Škrabal (石安瑞), University of Hamburg, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures
We would like to invite you to the on-line workshop “Manuscripts at the Service of Epigraphy: Master Copies, Templates, and Other Exemplars in the Production of Pre-Modern Inscriptions” hosted by the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 29 June 2021, 10am–5pm CEST. Please register here to obtain the Zoom link. The full programme with abstracts is available here.
10:00–10:10am Kaja Harter-Uibopuu (Hamburg): Welcome and Opening Remarks
Chair: Ondřej Škrabal (Hamburg)
10:10–10:50am Christelle Alvarez (Berlin): Manuscripts, Templates, and Vorlage for the Inscription of Pyramid Texts in Ancient Egyptian Tombs
10:50–11:30am Rocío Da Riva (Barcelona): Models, Variants, and Versions in the Neo-Babylonian Royal Inscriptions: The Mistakes and Errors in the Brisa Rock Monuments of Lebanon
11:30–11:40am Coffee break
11:40am–12:20pm Michele Faraguna (Milan): The Materiality of Texts: From Stone Inscriptions to the Original Documents in the Epigraphy of Greek Poleis
12:20–01:00pm Peter Kruschwitz & Victoria González Berdús (Vienna): Connecting the Dots: Some Thoughts on the Spread and Diffusion of Recurring Carmina Latina Epigraphica
01:00–02:00pm Lunch Break
Chair: Peera Panarut (Hamburg)
02:00–02:40pm Annette Schmiedchen (Berlin): Vorlagen, Drafts, Templates: The Production of Royal Copper-plate Charters in India
02:40–03:20pm Claudia Wenzel (Heidelberg): Manuscripts and Buddhist Epigraphy in Medieval China
03:20–03:30pm Coffee Break
03:30–04:10pm Michel Lorrillard (Vientiane): Crossed Views on Epigraphic and Manuscripts Traditions in Laos
04:10–04:50pm Peera Panarut (Hamburg): Organising before Inscribing: Manuscripts as Master Copies of Inscriptions in the 19th Century Thailand
04:50–05:00pm General Discussion and Closing Remarks