Postgraduate Course in Epigraphy (British School in Rome, July 12–21, 2021)

Participants studying an inscription in RomeWe are delighted to announce the 5th Postgraduate Course in Epigraphy at the British School in Rome from July 12-21st 2021.

Based at the British school at Rome, this taught course offers a nine day introduction to the scholarship, editorial practice, and publication of epigraphic materials from a variety of different approaches. The aim of the course, intended for postgraduate scholars of ancient history, archaeology, museum studies and the classics, is to provide training and a practical experience in the use of epigraphy as source. The course will examine the numerous contexts in which epigraphy is presented (in situ, museums, archives and in published formats (e.g. reference works and online databases) and explore the process of editing and publishing epigraphic materials.  The course consists of daily lectures, museum visits, epigraphic ambulatio through the city of Rome, as well as research sessions at the British School’s library and a trip to Ostia. Museum and site visits  include gallery lectures by curators and special permits to collections not open to the public. Workshops at a series of different sites will develop skills in creating practical study materials such as drawings, rubbings, squeezes and photographs of inscriptions. Participants will also have an opportunity to further their own research through an independent project (generally a specific area of his/her epigraphic research) which will be developed during the course and presented in a short paper on the final day.

Application deadline: Friday February 19th.

Testimonials, reports & itineraries from previous courses, as well as an information pack for the 2021 course can be found on the course website:

Please feel free to contact the course coordinator with further queries at:

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