The meeting will be held on the afternoon of Saturday, October 31, at the Friends Meeting House in Cambridge, Jesus Lane, starting at 3 pm. Those who are interested in the memorial meeting to celebrate Harold’s life are asked to inform David Mattingly (
To coincide with the meeting, a half-day conference on Greek Epigraphy will be held at the Faculty of Classics, with papers on topics which Harold would have been interested in and on which he has left his mark.
10.15 Stephen Lambert (Cardiff): The publication of Attic inscriptions: problems prospects and priorities
11.00 Coffee
11.15 William Mack (Birmingham): Theoi (Gods!): Decisions of the demos and representations of divine authority at Athens and elsewhere
12.00 Angelos Matthaiou (Athens): The Study of Attic Fifth-Century Inscriptions and of the Athenian Empire after H. B. Mattingly
The conference will take place in Room G21 in the Faculty of Classics, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA. All are welcome, and there is no registration fee but anyone intending to come is asked to contact Prof. Robin Osborne in advance (