Greek and Latin Epigraphy in the Near East (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria): International Symposium – Lyon – February 20th and 21st, 2015

International Symposium in Lyon
February 20th and 21st, 2015

Organized by
Pierre-Louis Gatier, Julien Aliquot, Jean-Baptiste Yon
CNRS, UMR 5189 HiSoMA, Lyon

In Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, Greek and Latin epigraphy have experienced a significant development in recent years. Between 2008 and 2014, six volumes have been published in the series of the Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS XI; IGLS XXI.5; IGLS XIII.2; IGLS XVII.1; IGLS XV.1–2), as well as a Choix d’inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (2009) intended to a wider public. The first volume of the IGLS series had been published in 1929. Since then the programme has evolved considerably. Separate projects and other publications of epigraphical corpora have also contributed to the progress of epigraphy in the various languages which were used in the Near East in Antiquity. The conference will be an opportunity to assess the present progress and to bring together researchers working in the same areas in order to strengthen the scientific network of Near Eastern epigraphy through the presentation of unpublished inscriptions and of epigraphical dossiers.
At a time when the Near East is experiencing unprecedented changes, the scientific activity has had to evolve. In addition, the publication of epigraphical corpora is now conditioned by new physical constraints and benefits considerably from technological innovations. The symposium shall contribute to update ongoing programmes and publishing methods.
To this end, the international symposium will gather in Lyon, around the Directors of Antiquities of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, the Director of HiSoMA research unit (UMR 5189, CNRS / Lyon 2 University, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée), also responsible for the IGLS programme, the Directors of the French Institute for the Near East (Ifpo), editor and support of the IGLS series, and the members of the programme, as well as scholars from Europe, the Near East and Australia, for two days on the 20th and 21th of February 2015. The papers presented on this occasion will be compiled into an edition of Syria, Ifpo’s review published in Beirut.


Pierre-Louis Gatier,
Julien Aliquot,
Jean-Baptiste Yon,

Programme and further information will be published at the symposium web-page.

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