Announcing two online annotated epigraphical bibliographies

Sara Saba and I would like to announce that at the Oxford Bibliographies online site ( our annotated bibliography for Greek epigraphy has recently been joined by the one for Latin epigraphy. While there is a chance that even experts in the use of epigraphical materials may discover the existence of works they had not previously known, our intended audience was scholars with relatively little knowledge of epigraphy, as well as graduate students and the occasional undergraduate. (The bibliographies may well prove useful to those teaching epigraphy courses or seminars that focus on sources and methods for research into the ancient world.)

Following the philosophy and format of the OBO series, these bibliographies are not comprehensive, since there is an overall size limit AND for each section contributors are permitted to provide no more than eight examples, so both bibliographies represent what we believe to be some/most of the important works on a given subject, though certainly not all.

Since OBO is a web-based resource, it should be possible to update the bibliographies over time. Unfortunately, however, OBO’s rules and procedures would make this somewhat time-consuming and burdensome – i.e., it is not simply a matter of typing out the title of a new work, writing a few sentences about it, and sending in the new entry – so we shall be updating the bibliographies sparingly, and only for works that are truly essential. With that said, we would certainly welcome suggestions, given either now or in the future, for what ought to be included when we do update one or both contributions.

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