Epigraphic papers at Triennial Conference

Registration open for Triennial Conference, University of Cambridge, 25-28 July 2011

Hosted by the Faculty of Classics, the Celebration of Classics will see a remarkable line up of international scholars brought together in a novel format for such an event. There will, of course, be some very distinguished plenary lecturers, and there will also be two outreach evenings with well-known figures from the media and literary world. But the centre of the event is a set of seminars where leading classicists will be presenting their cutting edge work in a seminar format with extensive opportunities for discussion (each paper will have at least 45 minutes for comment and questions). Each day has only two such seminar slots, but there will be papers of interest and relevance to epigraphers on every day:

  • Jonathan Prag ‘The spread of epigraphic culture in the Hellenistic West’.
  • Kristina Milnor ‘The Epistolary Habit: Letters and Letter-writing in Pompeian Graffiti’.
  • Robin Osborne ‘The citizen club and other myths about classical Athens’.
  • Peregrine Horden ‘Charity begins at Rome?’.
  • Peter van Dommelen ‘Connected Communities: Migration and Rural Settlement in the Ancient Western Mediterranean’.
  • Catherine Steel ‘The Senate in late Republican Rome: who, what and why?’.
  • Dominic Rathbone ‘Roman economic history: the (ab)use of Egypt’.

There will also be plenty of time for debate as well as meeting old and new friends. We are hoping that you will want to come to Cambridge and participate in this event.

For more information about the conference please go to http://www.classics.cam.ac.uk/faculty/seminars_conferences/triennial_conference/.

Professor Stephen Oakley
Chair, Organising Committee

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