In BMCR 2001.02.41, Hagith Sivan reviews:
Louis Maurin, Milagros Navarro Caballero, Inscriptions latines d’Aquitaine (ILA): Bordeaux. Pessac: Ausonius, 2010. Pp. 688. ISBN 9782356130259. €70.00.
At the end of this review, Sivan asks the now increasingly common question:
Let me end with a question. In this age of rapid expansion of electronic databases do we really need a very hefty (15 pounds? 20?) and rather expensive volume of local inscriptions of a city that even in the fond terms of its successful son ranked no higher than twentieth in the order of famous cities (and would have ranked lower by less biased observers)? I am asking not only because epigraphic databases have become widespread and accessible but also because I narrowly avoided a major injury to my feet when I accidentally dropped this large volume on the floor. Over a decade ago John Drinkwater had asked the same question when reviewing another volume in this series (CR 50.2 (2000), 685). It is to be hoped that this contribution will become available soon in a digital format.
I leave readers to answer that question (discussion in comments here welcome).