Institute for Classical Studies
Ancient History Seminar
Thursdays at 4.30 pm
G 22/26 South Block, Senate House
Spring term 2010
Organiser: Christy Constantakopoulou (Birkbeck)
14 January Graham Oliver (Liverpool) Destroying inscriptions: the authorised and unauthorised removal of inscribed documents in the Greek world
21 January Angelos Chaniotis (Oxford) Moving stones: the study of emotions in Greek inscriptions
28 January Robin Osborne (Cambridge) The letter: a diplomatic history
4 February Riet van Bremen (UCL) A Hellenistic list of donors (?) and some other puzzling lists
11 February Irene Polinskaya (KCL) A new corpus of ancient inscriptions from the northern Black Sea
25 February Stephen Lambert (Cardiff) Priests and priestesses in Athenian honorific decrees
4 March Polly Low (Manchester) Constructing lives from stone: inscriptions and biographical traditions
11 March Claire Taylor (Trinity College, Dublin) Graffiti or inscriptions? Some problems from Attica
A bunch of London-based epigraphers are planning to write short blog-reports on this series. If you are planning to attend, and would like to volunteer to join in this effort, please leave a comment here or drop me a note privately.
Pingback: Current Epigraphy » Graham Oliver, Destroying Inscriptions (London, Jan 14)
Pingback: Current Epigraphy » Robin Osborne, ‘The letter: a diplomatic history’ (London, January 28th)