New AIEGL Website and letter from president

To all members of AIEGL
1 July 2009
Association Internationale d’Épigraphie Grecque et Latine

Dear colleagues,

The new AIEGL web-site has now been launched and can be accessed at the following URL Or you can go the existing site at and click on the link there. The hosting of the web-site is being transferred to the server of the Berlin Academy, and we hope that this will provide stability for the future, extending beyond the individual terms of the Association’s officers. I am very grateful to Nora Unger, one of the assistants at CIL, for undertaking the necessary design and development work on the site. We hope that you will already find it useful, but in particular we would like your help in building up its resources.

We have introduced a new feature to the site which will enable all members to post information relating to conferences, workshops, new publications and other matters.

To do this you need to log-in to the site and become registered as a user. Access to this part of the site is restricted to paid members of AIEGL. We will check applications against the current subscription list, and then authorize access. Similarly the content of the information that you send will be quickly checked by one of the officers for suitability and relevance to AIEGL’s purpose, before posting. In due course we may be able to automate the first of these processes.

Many of you have been sending notices about conferences, publications, andf other matters to the secretary, Angela Donati, for distribution through our e-mail list. We are not discontinuing this service, but will run the two methods of advertising in parallel, at least up to the Berlin Congress in 2012. Members may want to put out information using both methods,

Personally I would urge members to use the web-site as much as possible. The more use it receives, the greater its utility becomes, and it has the potential to generate a comprehensive electronic calendar of coming epigraphic events. As with every web-site, there may be initial flaws and faults that need attention, but your use of the site should bring these to our attention quickly.

Our hopes for the future still include introducing a search engine to the site, which provide direct access to the various on-line epigraphic data bases, which are an increasingly important to our subject, and we will be holding further discussions with interested parties to this end.

If you have questions and comments about the web-site I would be glad to hear from you by e-mail:

Yours ever

Prof. Stephen Mitchell FBA
AIEGL President

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