As circulated by the BES:
Writing in the Classical World
Sunday October 25th 2008
Provisional Timetable:
9.00-9.30: Registration
9.30-10.30: Dr. Lisa Bendall: Clay tablets and Linear B: the earliest written Greek
10.30-11.30: Dr. Peter Haarer: The Emergence of Alphabetic Writing
11.30-11.45: Tea, Coffee and biscuits
11.45-12.45: Dr. Charles Crowther: Writing on Stone
12.45-1.30: Richard Grasby: Stone Cutting Demonstration (Group I)
1.30-2.30: Buffet Lunch
2.30-3.15: Richard Grasby: Stone Cutting Demonstration (Group II)
3.15-4.15: Professor Peter Parsons: Papyrus: Books and Bureaucrats
4.15-4.30: Tea, Coffee and biscuits
4.30-6.00: Latin Cursive Documents:
Professor Alan Bowman: Writing on Wood: The Vindolanda ink Tablets
Dr. Roger Tomlin: Waxed Stilus and lead tablets
6.00 Wine
The cost will be £50 for a very full day, inclusive of a buffet lunch (£40 without lunch)
For further details and a registration form please contact: Maggy Sasanow, Research Support Officer, The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, The Ioannou School, 66 St. Giles, Oxford OX1 3LU; e-mail:; Tel: 01865 288255; Fax: 01865 288262
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