Via Mondo Archeologia Glaucopide alerts us to a terse news item from ANSA: In Licia iscrizioni II secolo dc (with obscure photo; here via Yahoo). It reports the discovery, by an unnamed “team of archaeologists” in Lycia, of 26 fragments (some extensive) of text attributable to Diogenes of Oenoanda. I assume — and would be grateful for correction from someone affiliated with the excavation if I am wrong — that these are new fragments of the famous Epicurean inscription at Oenoanda (near modern İncealiler in Turkey).
If you can provide further information on this find, please post a comment.
You can find the – somewhat less ‘terse’ – official press information by the German Archaeological Institute on its Website (with several pictures):
For more information on the works at Oinoanda – with a list of the cooperating epigraphists look at this site:
צ טפס טח מצע תפעי שם, Diogenes, Oeonanda inscription.
We can have a list of the cooperating epigraphists working in confusion of aramaic epigraphy.