Here are the latest annoucements from ASGLE that may be of interest to the readers of Current Epigraphy:
–CALL FOR PAPERS for the 2009 ASGLE Panel, Joint APA/AIA Meetings, Philadelphia, PA January 8-11: The Publication and Study of Inscriptions in the Age of the Computer, Paul Iversen and Tom Elliott, Organizers. The deadline for abstracts is Feburary 1, 2008. For more information, go here (and scroll down to the bottom).
–ASGLE has some money for Research Awards. These awards consist in travel money for a student working on an epigraphical dissertation to visit a collection somewhere. Send in your nominations to Paul Iversen. All recipients will be required to write up a report of their visit.
–The Ohio State University Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies once again offers short-term fellowships (of one to four months duration) to support visitors pursuing post-doctoral research in Greek and Latin history and epigraphy. The fellowships pay for travel to and from Columbus and a living expense of $1,500 per month; they must be taken up between September 2008 and May 2009. The application deadline is January 31, 2008. For more information, go here.
–The University of Cincinnati Classics Department is pleased to announce the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program, which consists in Margo Tytus Fellowships and Margo Tytus Summer Residencies. The deadline for Margo Tytus Fellowships is January 15, 2008. For more information about the Fellowships and an on-line application, see here. The deadline for Margo Tytus Summer Residencies is February 15, 2008. For information about the Summer Residencies and an on-line application, see here.
–Paul Roesch’s† Les Inscriptions de Thespies (IThesp). When Paul Roesch, who was the Director of Research of CNRS, passed away in 1990, he left unfinished one of his major projects, Les Inscriptions de Thespies — a corpus of Thespian inscriptions. Since 2000 Gilbert Argoud, Albert Schachter and Guy Vottéro have collaborated to publish Roesch’s opus, using the manuscripts, squeezes and photos of Roesch that were deposited in the Maison de l’Orient de Lyon, Université Lumière Lyon II. Albert Schachter is now pleased to report to ASGLE that all eight fascicules of the corpus are finished and he has made them available to be downloaded from the ASGLE website here.
–Albert Schachter also informs us that those interested in Boiotika can down-load current and back issues of Teiresias (to 1991) from the National Library of Canada’s website here. Those who wish to receive new issues (free) in a timely fashion via email can write Albert Schachter.
–Emily Mackil, Director of the Sara B. Aleshire Center for the Study of Greek Epigraphy at Berkeley, informs us that the Advisory Committee of the Center has seen major changes and the Center has updated its website here.
–Nora Dimitrova informs us that The Cornell X-Ray Fluorescence Project has an urgent need for stones to study, preferably inscriptions located in North American collections. The most suitable stones are ones with naturally abraded surfaces, but not with intentional erasures. They would greatly appreciate any information and help regarding sources of suitable stones. They will cover the cost of transportation and make sure that the stones are not damaged in any way. Send in information to Kevin Clinton or Nora Dimitrova.