Reported via AIEGL, the latest volume of Hispania Epigraphica:
HEp 12 reviews Portuguese and Spanish inscriptions published during the year 2002, although it ocassionally covers later publications. In total 677 Paleohispanic (i.e. those writen in Celtic or Latin and using a rather peculiar script), Greek, Latin, Christian and Visigothic inscriptions are sorted out by geographical origin (559 from Spain and 118 from Portugal) and many amended or with additional comments.
Hispania Epigraphica 12, 2002 (2006), 17 x 24 cm., 360 pp. ISSN 1132-6875 – ISBN 978-669-2878-2
Hispania Epigraphica en CD-ROM, vol. 1-10 (1989-2001), ISBN 84-95215-53-5.
Hispania Epigraphica on line:
Hispania Epigraphica could be ordered or exchanged; the CD-Rom Hispania Epigraphica 1-10 (1989-2001) only ordered.
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