BMCR 2007.03.01 Books Received (February).
(I have exerpted those titles that may be of particular interest to epigraphers and those in related fields. Sometimes I have had to guess from a somewhat ambiguous title.)
*Breeze, David J., J. Collingwood Bruce’s Handbook to the Roman Wall.
Fourteenth edition. Newcastle upon Tyne: Society of Antiquaries, 2006.
Pp. 512. L18.00. ISBN 0-901082-65-1.*Gustin, Mitja (ed.), Piceni ed Europa. Catalogo della Mostra. Zalozba
Annales/ Annales Mediterranea. Koper: Univerza ma Primorskem, 2006. Pp.
72; pls. (pb). ISBN 963-6328-46-8.Johnston, Alan W., Trademarks on Greek Vases: Addenda. Oxford: Oxbow
Books, 2006. Pp. 214; figs. 5, pls. 20. $120.00. ISBN
978-0-85568-747-2.*Nigdelis, P.M., Epigrafika Thessalonikeia. Sumbolh sthn Politikh kai
Koinwnikh Istoria ths Archaias Thessalonikhs. Thessalonike: University
Studio Press, 2006. Pp. 646. EUR 40.00 (pb). ISBN 960-12-1550-6.*Nigdelis, P.M., and G. A. Souris, Anthupatos Legei. Ena Diatagma twn
Autokratorikwn Xronwn gia to Gumnasio ths Beroias. [The Proconsul
speaks: An Edict of Imperial Times on the Gymnasium of Berroia.]
Tekmeria. Contributions to the History of the Greek and Roman World,
Supplement No. 1. 2005. Thessalonike, 2005. Pp. 159; pls. 7. ISSN
1106-66-1X.*Buora, Maurizio (ed.), Le gemme incise nel settecento et ottocento.
Continuita\ della tradizione classica. Cataloghi e Monografie
Archeologiche dei Civici Musei di Udine, 7. Roma: Giorgio
Bretschneider, 2006. Pp. 155 (pb). ISBN 88-8265-410-9.*Flu+gel, Christian, Spa+tantike Arztinschriften als Spiegel des
Einflusses des Christentums auf die Medizin. Beihefte zum Go+ttinger
forum fu+r Altertumswissenschaft Band 20. Go+ttingen: Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 2006. Pp. 410. EUR 99.00. ISBN 978-3-89744-258-0.*Hispania Epigraphica 1989-2000. 2006. CD-ROM issues 1-10. ISBN
84-95215-53-5.Brody, Lisa R., The Aphrodite of Aphrodisias. Aphrodisias Band III.
Mainz: van Zabern, 2007. Pp. xii, 114; pls. 19. EUR 65.50. ISBN
978-3-8053-3699-4.Herda, Alexander, Der Apollon-Delphinios-Kult in Milet und die
Neujahrsprozession nach Didyma. Mainz: van Zabern, 2007. Pp. xiv, 543;
pls. 22. EUR 65.00. ISBN 978-3-8053-3560-7.