Inscribed Monuments from Friuli – Epigraphic Documentation and Ancient Economy
Epigraphic Summerschool – Aquileia (IT), August, 21-26 2023
The Friulian Archaeological Society, the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine (Laboratory of Greek and Latin Epigraphy), the Institute of Classics Dept of Ancient History and Epigraphy of the University of Graz, the Department of Culture and Civilisation of the University of Verona, the Department of History and its teaching methods of the European University of Flensburg, the Chair of Archaeology of the Roman Provinces of the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg and the Chair of Ancient History of the University of Regensburg
are organising the tenth Epigraphic Summer School,
from the 21 st to the 26 th of August 2023, for people who are passionate about the ancient world.
For registration and more information see here