GEPHYRA 20, 2020 – Table of Contents
- Gertrude Bell’s Resolution of a Disputed Inscription – Alan CADWALLADER
- Das Brechen mit der Tradition. Die außergewöhnlichen Münzprägungen im Namen von Claudius Hestiaios und ihr Verhältnis zum ersten Neokorietitel von Kyzikos – David HACK
- The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty – Luis BALLESTEROS PASTOR
- Roads and Routes in Northwestern and Adjoining Parts of Central Asia Minor: From the Romans to Byzantium, with Some Remarks on their Fate during the Ottoman Period up to the 17th Century – Klaus BELKE
- The Examination of a Milestone Recently Found in the Territory of Iuliopolis – Fatih ONUR
- The Lycian Name of Iranian Origin Miθrapata and Its variants – Ignasi Xavier ADIEGO LAJARA
- Two Unpublished Magical Amulets in Ankara – Melih ARSLAN, Yavuz YEĞİN, Richard GORDON
- Similar to Gods: Some Words in the Imperial Cult in the Roman Empire – Andres CID ZURITA
- A New Epigram in the Uşak Museum: The Relief Stele of Maximus – Şenkal KİLECİ
- Neue Weihungen aus dem Museum von Bursa – Nalan Eda AKYÜREK ŞAHİN, Mehmet Ertan YILDIZ
- New Inscriptions from Nikaia XII. Sanctuary of Zeus Bronton in Ahmetler Village, Pazaryeri District – Hüseyin Sami ÖZTÜRK, Abdurrahman AKTAŞ, Ezgi DEMİRHAN-ÖZTÜRK
- Two Reused “Blattkelch” Capitals from Patara. An Example of Reuse in the 2nd Century AD in the Context of the Building Activities in and around the Nero Bath – Mustafa KOÇAK, Feyzullah ŞAHİN