The Society is very grateful to the Museo Nazionale Romano, and its Director, Dr Daniela Porro, for generously supporting the meeting through hosting it on their premises.
REGISTRATION: Registration for the meeting is obligatory – please follow the instructions on the Registration Form.
PROGRAMME: A printable programme can be downloaded here.
Friday, 4 May (Palazzo Altemps, Piazza di Sant’Apollinare, 46):
Prof. Filippo Coarelli: ‘Roman Topography and Military Diplomas’. (Precise time to be confirmed.)
Saturday, 5 May (Museo Nazionale Romano, Terme di Diocleziano, Viale Enrico de Nicola, 76):
Dr Daniele Maras: The Origin of the Latin Alphabet: Greek Letters with Etruscan Rules
Dr Francesca Bigi: ‘Placing Inscriptions in Context: the Interactive Plan of Lepcis Magna’
Prof. Marco Maiuro: ‘The New lex portorii Lyciae’
Prof. Gianfranco Agosti: ‘Verse Inscriptions and Late Antique Society. What Difference Did Christianity Make?’
Dr Flavia Frauzel: ‘Sigismu(n)dus and the Ostrogoths in Italy. Data from Epigraphy’
(Precise times to be confirmed.)
Poster presentations:
Calvelli, L. Dr (Venice): ‘Processing data on fake inscriptions: how to build the new Epigraphic Database Falsae (EDF)’
España-Chamorro, S. Dr (Madrid/Roma): ‘CORPUS TERMINI ITALIAE ANTIQUAE (CoTIA): The study of termini lapidei and the implementation of limits in the Italic peninsula’
Lazar, L. (Oxford): ‘An Athenian honorific decree for the Prieneans (IG II3 1239 / I.Priene 2 99)’
Lewis, J. Dr (Edinburgh): ‘Was vicarius a clerical grade in the familia Caesaris? A reconsideration of the evidence’
Sandon, T. Dr (Edinburgh): ‘Never ask a (freed)woman her age! Age recording and age-rounding in Roman Italy’