Call for Participation
A four-day training workshop on “EpiDoc” will be held in Athens (Greece), from Tuesday, 2 May to Friday, 5 May 2017, at the Academy of Athens. The workshop is organized by the Academy of Athens within the framework of the DARIA-EU project “Humanities at Scale”.
The topic of the training workshop “EpiDoc” will be digital editing of epigraphic and papyrological texts and will focus on the encoding of inscriptions, papyri and other ancient texts. EpiDoc ( is a community of practice and guidance for using TEI XML for the encoding of inscriptions, papyri and other ancient texts. It has been used to publish digital projects including Inscriptions of Aphrodisias and Tripolitania, Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri, Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri, and EAGLE Europeana Project. The workshop will introduce participants to the basics of XML markup and give hands-on experience of tagging textual features and object descriptions, identifying and linking to external person and place authorities, and project workflow and management.
Instructors: Elli Mylonas and Simona Stoyanova.
The four-day workshop will be divided into five sections:
- Section 1: Encoding epigraphic and other texts: Basic EpiDoc, using OxygenXML, transforming text with XSL for proofreading and display.
- Section 2: Metadata: Encoding the history and description of the textual support.
- Section 3: Advanced Features (Apparatus criticus, verse, complex texts).
- Section 4: Text encoding projects: organization, roles, workflows.
- Section 5: Vocabularies and Analysis: indexing, names and places, controlled vocabularies.
The workshop will include ample time for hands on practice, questions, discussion of individual projects, and the option to learn about topics that are of special interest to participants.
The workshop will be conducted in English and the participation is free.
The workshop will assume knowledge of epigraphy or papyrology; Greek, Latin or another ancient language; and the Leiden Conventions. No technical skills are required, and scholars of all levels, from students to professors, are welcome.
The participants should bring their own laptops. It is also strongly recommended for the participants to have prepared in advance a mini corpus of texts concerning their field of scientific interest.
Please fill the application form until 10 April 2017 at the following address:
Due to the limited seats there will be a selection among applicants. Applicants will be notified by email.
2-5/5/2017, 9:00-17:00
Academy of Athens
Project DARIAH-EU – Humanities at Scale
Academy of Athens – Main Building, East Hall
Panepistimiou 28,
10679 Athens
For additional information, please contact:
The first three items provide a good overview to Digital Epigraphy and Epidoc. We recommend that you read those first.
- H. Cayless, C.M. Roueché, et al. (2009), “Epigraphy in 2017.” Digital Humanities Quarterly 3.1. Available:
- Bodard, G and Stoyanova, S. (2016), “Epigraphers and Encoders: Strategies for Teaching and Learning Digital Epigraphy.” In: Bodard, G & Romanello, M (eds.) Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber: Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement, Pp. 51–68. London: Ubiquity Press. Available:
- Julia Flanders and Charlotte Roueché (2003), ‘Introduction for Epigraphers’, online at
- Alison Babeu (2011), ‘Epigraphy’, “Rome Wasn’t Digitized in a Day”: Building a Cyberinfrastructure for Digital Classicists Draft Version 1.3—11/18/10, pp. 73–89. CLIR: Washington. Available:
- Laura Löser (2014), “Meeting the Needs of Today’s Audiences of Epigraphy with Digital Editions.” In Orlandi, Santucci et al., Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of the First EAGLE International Conference. Rome. Available:
- Joshua D. Sosin, ‘Digital Papyrology’, Congress of the International Association of Papyrologists, 19 August 2010, Geneva. Available: