Several local (around Britain and Ireland) series of seminars have been announced recently, and the following are those individual paper which seem to be of particular epigraphic interest. Please let us know (in a comment) if I’ve missed anything.
5th October, 2010
Dr Graham Oliver (University of Liverpool)
Memory creation by inscription: autobiography, Lycurgus, and the shaping of Athenian history
Tuesday at 5-6.30 pm in the Bosanquet Seminar Room, 12 Abercromby Square, University of Liverpool
October 6th, 2010
Penny Goodman, University of Leeds
Urbis et orbis: the Boundaries of the City of Rome
Wednesday at 3pm, Room 101, Parkinson Building, University of Leeds
8 October 2010
Dr Nikolaos Papazarkadas (Berkeley)
‘The Epigraphy of the Athenian Empire: Politics of Approbation in the Ionian War’
Friday at 4.05 p.m. in School 5, in St Salvator’s quad, University of St Andrews
11 Oct 2010
Sophie Minon (Paris)
‘The “bilingual” inscription from Sigeion (IG 1[3] 1508): a linguistic and historical analysis’
Mon (3-5pm) Senate House G35, Malet Street, London WC1
28 October 2010
Dr Francesco Trifilo, University of Kent,
‘Traffic, congestion and the creation of public space in cities of the Roman Empire: the archaeology of the platea’
Thursday. 5.15 p.m., Cornwallis NW SR 10, University of Kent
28 Oct 2010
Ted Kaizer (Durham)
‘‘Familiar strangers’ – gods and worshippers away from home in the Roman Near East’
Thursday at 4.30pm in Senate House, South Block, room G22/26
4 Nov 2010
Massimo Osanna (Matera/Heidelberg)
From rulers’ dwellings to sanctuaries in Southern Italy: culture contact and cross-cultural trade in the hinterland of the Ionian coast’
Thursday at 4.30pm in Senate House, South Block, room G22/26
1 Nov 2010
James Clackson (Cambridge)
‘Local languages and resistance to Rome in Republican Italy’
Mon (3-5pm) Senate House G35, Malet Street, London WC1
11 November 2010
Dr Kyle Erickson / Trinity St David
‘The Origins of Seleucid Ruler Cult in Asia Minor’
5.15pm. University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Lampeter campus), Roderic Bowen Reading Room
19 November 2010
Robert Walker, Paris-Sorbonne University (Paris IV)
Favour-seeking behaviour in Hittite and ancient Greek oracular inquiry: Didyma and Hittite duddumar (‘favour’)
4.30 p.m., Senate House G35 (Postgraduate seminar, staff welcome only by arrangement with speaker)
26 November 2010
Luigi Prada, (The Queen’s College, Oxford)
Extinction and syncretism: Egyptian and Greek cultural interaction in the temples of Roman Egypt
4.30 p.m., Senate House G35 (Postgraduate seminar, staff welcome only by arrangement with speaker)
6 Dec 2010
Michael Crawford (London)
‘Could we ever write Das italische Staatsrecht?’
Mon (3-5pm) Senate House G35, Malet Street, London WC1
9 December 2010
Drs Ivana & Andrej Petrovic / Durham
‘Greek metrical sacred regulations and issues of authority’
5.15pm. University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Lampeter campus), Roderic Bowen Reading Room
14 Dec. 2010
Dr John Pearce (KCL)
Death and burial in Roman London
Tuesday at 5.15pm in Room B6, Classics Department, King’s College London
25 January 2011
Dr Christina Haywood, University College Dublin
Tomb-cult and social identity in the Greek polis. A case study from Kephalonia
Tuesday at 5.30pm in K217, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield Dublin 4.
Room 4.45 or 0.45, Humanities Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff University CF10 3EU
at 5.10pm
Monday 15 November Benet Salway (UCL) 4.45
A Christian perspective on travel? Another look at the Itinerarium Burdigalense
Monday 14 February Peter Liddel (Manchester) 4.45
The reputations of Athenian politicians outside Athens (title TBC)