Epigraphical Documents: Reflection of Reality or Construction of Historical Knowledge?

The preliminary program has just been posted for the August 2009 conference in Berlin of the Fédération internationale des Associations d’études classiques / International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies. Among the panels listed there, we find one on the topic “Epigraphical Documents: Reflection of Reality or Construction of Historical Knowledge?

I take the liberty of reproducing the list of speakers, with titles and links to abstracts in pdf:

Invited speakers:

Francisco Beltrán Lloris:
Angelos Matthaiou: Palmyra

zugelassene Bewerber in alphabetischer Reihenfolge:

Alejandr García González (Universidad de Valladolid, España)
Los ‘otros’ epitafios y dedicaciones greco-latinos: inversiones, burlas y parodias

Anja Knebusch (Berlin, Deutschland)
Die metrischen Inschriften Germaniens als Spiegelbild provinzieller Bildung

Aleksandr Koptev (Helsinki, Finlandl):
A possible lacuna in the Roman Fasti Consulares

Sophia Kravaritou (Archaeological Institute for Thessalian Studies, Greece):
Greek “Calendars”: ancient documents through modern consideration

Luca Maurizi (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Autorappresentazione senatoria nell’agorà di Atene e un nuovo proconsul Achaiae

Vladimir P. Petrovic (Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Serbia)
Les erreurs dans l’interpretation scientifique de Tabula Peutingeriana: L’emplacement de la station balnéaire de Aquae Bas sur la route Naissus-Lissus

Cecilia Ricci (Università del Molise, Italia)
Le coorti urbane: braccio armato del potere senatorio a Roma o polizia al servizio della città? Una riflessione

José Vela Tejada (Universidad de Zaragoza, España)
Koine Eirene and the Satraps’ Revolt in the Inscription of Argos (IG IV 556=SIG3 182): Historical Reality or Panhellenical Propaganda?

Gustavo Veneciano (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
La inscripción IvO 7

Update: I also notice the following papers of probable epigraphic interest listed in other sections:

Silvia Barbantani (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano, Italia)
The symbol of the spear in funerary or honorary epigrams/inscriptions for Ptolemaic philoi and soldiers

Rebecca R. Benefiel (Washington and Lee University, USA):
Pompeii and her Neighbors: ancient graffiti and civic identity

Danijela Stefanovic (Serbian Society for Ancient Studies, Serbia):
Roman Funerary Stelae from Egypt – An Overview

Jessica Piccinini (Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Great Britain)
Geographical provenance and social status of the customers of the oracle of Dodona

Judith Hallett (University of Maryland, College Park, USA) / Jacqueline Fabre-Serris (, Université de Lille, France):
AE 1928.73 (Epitaph of Petale Sulpicia) and Ovid, Tristia 3.7: Gender, Class and Roman Women’s Poetry

Michael Johnson (Davidson College, USA):
Mommsen lecture notes at Rutgers University

Burak Takmer (Akdeniz Üniversitesi Antalya, Turkey)
Lex Portorii Provinciae: Zollinschrift aus Andriake von neronischer Zeit

About Tom Elliott

Associate Director for Digital Programs and Senior Research Scholar, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
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3 Responses to Epigraphical Documents: Reflection of Reality or Construction of Historical Knowledge?

  1. Sara Saba says:

    It seems not very appropriate but I am also giving an epigraphical paper (Historical Truth and Official Language: an isopoliteia between Nagidos and Arsinoe) at the Berlin conference. I do not know why but it is now in Panel 2.

  2. Tom Elliott says:


    Thanks very much for your comment — it is completely appropriate to alert us to this oversight on my part. I am sorry that I missed the mention of your paper in the program the first time.


  3. Cynthia Kosso says:


    You will be delighted to know that the Water book is done. Could you contact me, so that I can get an address from you!


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