Here is the latest news from the American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy:

CALL FOR PAPERS, 2010 ASGLE Joint APA/AIA Panel, Orange County (Anaheim), CA January 6-9, 2010 (Wed. – Sat.)

Greek and Latin Inscriptions: New Discoveries, organizers: Stpehen V. Tracy and Paul Iversen

As archaeological artifacts that preserve writing from the ancient past, inscriptions constitute one of our most valuable primary sources of evidence for the ancient Mediterranean world. Their importance cannot be stressed too much. The Society seeks to create a panel that will offer to the audience new and exciting discoveries about Greek and Latin inscriptions. The Society, therefore, welcomes papers that present new texts, new joins, new archaeological find spots, new readings, new interpretations or new methodologies. We are particularly interested in papers that discuss truly new and important texts or really innovative interpretations or methodologies.

Abstracts will be adjudicated anonymously by a committee of ASGLE and should not be longer than one page. Please follow the instructions for the format of Individual Abstracts that will appear in the Program Guide of the October issue of the APA Newsletter. Abstracts should be sent electronically in either Word 97-2004 format with a .doc extension or as a PDF to: Stephen Tracy, Vice-President, ASGLE at The deadline is February 1, 2009.

ASGLE has money for Dissertation Research Awards. These awards consist in travel money for a student working on an epigraphical dissertation to visit a collection somewhere. Send in a proposal to the Secretary-Treasurer ( with a letter of support from your advisor. All applicants should be members of ASGLE and will be required to write up a report.

The Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies at The Ohio State University offers short-term fellowships (of one to four months duration) to support visitors pursuing post-doctoral research in Greek and Latin history and epigraphy. See the Center’s web page for the application guidelines.

The University of Cincinnati Classics Department offers research support with their Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program. For more information and application guidelines, see here.

The Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies at the Ohio State University offers a summer course in Greek epigraphy July 27 – August 7, 2009. For more information, see here.

The Vergilian Society will be sponsoring some summer 2009 tours. See the Society’s web page for more information.

Rex Wallace, UMass Amherst, recently published Zikh Rasna, A Manual of the Etruscan Language and Inscriptions.

The ATHENIANS PROJECT is pleased to announce the recent publication of 2 more volumes of Persons of Ancient Athens.

Volume 16: Sym- to Tychonides, xviii + 481pp ISBN 978-0-0685232-9-2

Volume 17: U- to Philostratos, xviii + 399pp ISBN 978-0-9810250-0-1

All volumes 1-17 are in print and available at ATHENIANS, Victoria College, Toronto, ON M5S 1K7, Canada. Website: A special discount is granted to members of ASGLE and to their affiliated institutions.

For more information on how to become a member of ASGLE, see the Society’s web page.

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