This is an informal discussion group, which usually meets Mondays, 1-2 pm (bring a sandwich if you like).
Venue: the first floor seminar room, Ioannou Classics Centre, 66 St Giles.
Monday, April 28: Angelos Chaniotis, “Automoloi in Hellenistic Crete: A (not that) new (but still unpublished) inscription from Chersonesos”
Monday, May 5: Peter Thonemann, ”A New Ptolemaic Inscription from Cyprus”
[The inscription discussed was A.H.S. Megaw, Kourion: Excavations in the Episcopal Precinct, Dumbarton Oaks 2007, pp. 368-374]
Monday, May 12: Getzel Cohen, “The Expression ‘Polis Hellenis’ ”
[not strictly an epigraphic talk, but conveniently placed here]
A programme for the second half of term will be circulated in due course, and will contain at least one talk on Latin epigraphy, in accord with last term’s democratic decision to drop ‘Greek’ from the name of the workshop.
[Edit: the rest of the programme has now appeared, as follows.]
May 19: Robert Parker, “Dikaiopoliton synallagai: sighting shot at the major new 4th c. reconciliation agreement from Dikaia” (E. Voutiras and K. Sismanides, Ancient Macedonia VII, 254-274).
May 26: Alan Bowman and Roger Tomlin, “The ‘Frisian Ox’ reconsidered”.
June 2: No meeting.
June 9: James Mosley, “From Republican to Imperial and from monoline to calligraphic: questions relating to the stylistic shift in the form of the Roman inscriptional letter.”