Books available for review from BMCR (September)

Titles of potential interest to epigraphers exerpted from BMCR 2007.09.62, Books Received September 2007:

Titles marked by an asterisk are available for review. Qualified volunteers should indicate their interest by a message to, with their last name and requested author in the subject line. They should state their qualifications (both in the sense of degrees held and in the sense of experience in the field concerned) and explain any previous relationship with the author.

*Finkel, I.L. (ed.), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. Papers from the 1990 Britsh Museum colloquium, with additional contributions. London, The British Museum Press, 2007. Pp. vi, 281. $100.00. ISBN 978-0-714-11153-7.

*Sommerstein, Alan H., and Judith Fletcher (edd.), Horkos. The Oath in Greek Society. Exeter: Bristol Phoenix Press, 2007. Pp. xii, 304. $95.00. ISBN 978-1-904675-67-9.

*Daris, Sergio, Dizionario dei nomi geografici e topografici dell’Egitto greco-romano. Supplemento 4 (2002-2005). Biblioteca degli Studi di Egittologia e di Papirologia, 5. Pisa/Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2007. Pp. 146. EUR 165.00 (pb). ISBN 978-88-6227-004-5.

*Ray, John, The Rosetta Stone and the Rebirth of Ancient Egypt. Wonders of the World. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007. Pp. 199. $19.95. ISBN 978-0-674-02493-9.

*Rhodes, P.J., The Greek City States. A Source Book. Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. xiii, 339; maps 2. $29.99 (pb). ISBN 978-0-521-61556-3.

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