An announcement from Stefan Krmnicek:
I would like to announce an article relating to Greek and Roman epigraphy which has been published in the latest issue of the open access online-journal FeRA (Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde / Frankfurt electronic Review of Antiquity):
P. Probst, Überarbeiteter Index zu Personen-, Orts- und Götternamen (Indices 1, 2 und 3) der Edition der Inschriften aus dem Archäologischen Museum von Konya
The article contains a revised version of the indexes to personal names (Index 1), names of places (Index 2) and names of gods (Index 3) of the Inscriptions from the Konya Archaeological Museum published by B. H. McLean in 2002. The article is free for download via the website and may be used as an additional instrument to the publication of the inscriptions.
(Direct link to PDF of article.)