The directors of the 2006 Survey Season at Xanthos (BAtlas 65 B5 = Pleiades Place 639166) report significant progress on three major goals:
- organization and inventory of all inscribed blocks in the Letoon storehouse and elsewhere on the site
- topographic and cartographic survey of the site, to include the recording of locations (using GPS) for all inscribed blocks
- general survey of the higher (so-called “Roman”) acropolis
In the course of this work, 24 new documents were identified (none previously published):
- 4 honorific bases
- 1 epitaph
- 14 uncategorized fragments
- 5 inscribed architrave blocks (1-3 letters each)
These discoveries bring the project’s total epigraphic inventory to 361 documents, of which only 58 were previously published in Tituli Asiae Minoris (76 other inscriptions published in TAM have not been located on the site).
The full 2006 survey report has not been published yet, but will be linked from the Overview of the 2006 Season (whence this information) in due course.
The Xanthos-Letoon website (in both French and English) has a wealth of other useful information, including:
- Presentation of the project (location, research history, etc.)
- Annual reports from 2000 onwards
- Reports and publications
- A documentary database which provides:
- Splendid photographs of inscriptions, squeezes and monuments, for example: a dedication of the Lycian League in honor of the Xanthians for their participation in the war against Mithridates.
- A series of maps, including new plans of the site