Leeds Classics Department Research Seminar
(papers of possible interest to epigraphers)
Wednesdays at 3pm
Room 101, Parkinson Building
University of Leeds
January 31st
Sybille Haynes Formerly British Museum
New Light on the Etruscans of Chiusi (with slides / powerpoint)
February 8th (NB on Thursday at 5pm)
Peter Liddel University of Manchester
The decree-cultures of ancient Greece
March 6th (CA — Tuesday at 5 for 5:30)
Charlotte Roueché Kings College London
Entertainments in the ancient city
May 2nd
Rosalind Thomas Balliol College, Oxford
Title TBA
May 3rd (CA — Thursday at 5 for 5:30)
Emma Stafford University of Leeds
A cock to Asklepios: Sacrificial practice and healing cult
For any further information about the series, please contact Drs. Roger Brock (r.w.brock@leeds.ac.uk), Regine May (r.may@leeds.ac.uk) or Penny Goodman (p.j.goodman@leeds.ac.uk).