EpiDoc Workshop: Training in digital epigraphy and papyrology
Date: April 25–26, 2023 (starting 11:00 Tuesday; finishing 16:00 Wednesday)
Venue: Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, University of London
Cost: £40/ £20 unwaged and unfunded
Tutors: Gabriel Bodard & Simona Stoyanova
We invite applications for a two-day intensive training workshop in the use of EpiDoc (http://epidoc.sf.net/), the de facto standard for encoding ancient epigraphic and papyrological editions in TEI XML for online publication and interchange. The workshop will introduce the encoding of ancient texts in XML, and sources of information and support on EpiDoc. No technical knowledge is required, but participants are expected to be familiar with the transcription conventions for inscriptions and papyri (the Leiden System, and similar), and either Greek, Latin or other ancient languages of their epigraphic tradition.
Booking information at: https://ics.sas.ac.uk/events/epidoc-workshop-training-digital-epigraphy-and-papyrology