Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the publication of the first instalment of HCS Supplementary Volumes, a new Open Access book series: Select Correspondence of Ronald Syme, 1927-1939, edited by Anthony Birley and now available at
The letters also contain reference to several ancient inscriptions and epigraphic issues.
The series of Supplementary Volumes stems from History of Classical Scholarship, a new Open Access journal that was launched last December, and shares its key ambition: publishing contributions on any aspects of the history of classical studies, in any geographical context, from the Middle Ages to the late twentieth century, covering the whole range of the discipline, from ancient history to literary studies, from epigraphy and numismatics to art history and archaeology, from textual criticism to religious and linguistic studies. Its brief is to host monographs and edited collections on specific aspects of the history of classical scholarship, including the publication of significant items from the archives of classical scholars and the edition of unpublished manuscripts of scholarly significance.
We are also pleased to report the publication of the first three articles of the 2020 issue of HCS:
ROEL KONIJNENDIJK, Who Wrote Kromayer’s Survey of Greek Warfare?
ARNALDO MARCONE, Tra attualizzazione e ‘pentitismo’: Sallustio secondo Concetto Marchesi
IMMACOLATA ERAMO, The Discovery of Aelian’s Tactica Theoria in Italian Humanism
All articles are available at
Submissions to the journal may be sent to the Editors, Lorenzo Calvelli ( and Federico Santangelo ( at any point during the year. We publish contributions in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Each submission will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Accepted papers will be uploaded on the journal’s website as soon as they are ready to be published. Further guidelines for contributors are available at
Keep safe – with all good wishes,
Lorenzo Calvelli
Federico Santangelo