We are pleased to invite you to the International Conference “Beyond Athenocentrism: Greek Cities’ Responses to Athenian Institutional and Judicial Legacy in the so-called ‘Hellenistic Polis Convergence’”, which is hosted by Trinity College Dublin. The event will take place via Zoom on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 15th-16th, 1:00 pm–6:30 pm (GMT). The programme is included below.
The conference is open and free, but booking for attending the event is essential. We kindly ask all those interested to contact the organisers, Davide Amendola (amendold@tcd.ie) and Shane Wallace (swallace@tcd.ie). A Zoom link will be circulated to registered attendees prior to the event.
For further information, please contact either or both of the organisers.
Best wishes,
Davide Amendola & Shane Wallace (TCD)
Beyond Athenocentrism: Greek Cities’ Responses to Athenian Institutional and Judicial Legacy in the so-called ‘Hellenistic Polis Convergence’
15–16 June 2021, Trinity College Dublin
15th June 2021
13:00–13:10 GMT Welcome address
Chair: A. Erskine (University of Edinburgh)
13:10–13:50 M. Mari (Università di Bari): Democratic institutions in the Hellenistic cities and the Athenian model: recent studies and debated issues
13:50–14:30 N. Luraghi (University of Oxford): Writing the history of Hellenistic Athens
14:30–14:50 Break
Chair: P. Paschidis (National Hellenic Research Foundation)
14:50–15:30 D. Amendola (Trinity College Dublin): Athens’ contribution to the Hellenistic institutional koine: Some Further Considerations
15:30–16:10 L. Rubinstein (Royal Holloway, University of London): Law-enforcement in the Hellenistic cities: Athenian influence, local practice or Pan-hellenic tradition? The process of praxis as a test case
16:10–16:50 A. S. Chankowski (Université de Poitiers / HeRMA EA 3811): La diffusion des institutions éducatives dans le monde hellénistique: influence du modèle athénien?
16:50–17:10 Break
Chair: C. Constantakopoulou (Birkbeck, University of London)
17:10–17:50 M. Canevaro (University of Edinburgh): Psephophoria, honours and naturalisation around the Aegean: a case of Athenian institutional influence?
17:50–18:30 J. Faguer (École française d’Athènes): Real security and property registers in the Aegean (3rd–2nd c. BCE): Between Athenian Legacy and New Archival Practices
16th June 2021
Chair: M. Cuypers (Trinity College Dublin)
13:00–13:40 P. Ceccarelli (University College London): The long shadow of Athens? Dramatic performances in the Hellenistic city-states
13:40–14:20 A. Meeus (Universität Mannheim): Hekataios of Abdera and the Alleged Egyptian Origins of Athens and the Eleusinian Mysteries
14:20–14:40 Break
Chair: B. McGing (Trinity College Dublin)
14:40–15:20 B. Gray (Birkbeck, University of London): Fourth-century and Early Hellenistic Reconciliation and Amnesty: Reception of Athens 403 and other inspirations
15:20–16:00 M. Simonton (Arizona State University): Demagogues in Hellenistic Greece: An Athenian export?
16:00–16:40 S. Wallace (Trinity College Dublin): Royal Interaction with Athenian Institutions and Ideology in the Early Hellenistic Period
16:40–17:00 Break
Chair: N. Papazarkadas (University of California, Berkeley)
17:00–17:40 F. Forster (Goethe Universität Frankfurt): Beyond Athens – Hellenistic ‘biographical’ decrees in praise of good citizens and their possible connections with the Athenian epigraphic habit
17:40–18:20 C. Müller & J. Buffet (Université Paris Nanterre): Les affaires de Madame Nikareta: a sui generis model for financial, legal, and institutional practices in the Hellenistic Boeotian Confederacy?
18:20–18:40 Closing remarks