The editors have received the following announcement from the organizers of the fifth workshop of the community (Leuven and online, November 3rd-6th, 2020):
Dear colleagues,
As we have already announced in our last circular letter, the Leuven workshop will host an E-poster session dedicated to the presentation of new and ongoing projects in the field of Digital Epigraphy.
The E-posters will be displayed in a virtual environment for the whole duration of the workshop; after that you will have the possibility to have them published on the website.
E-Posters Guidelines:
E-Posters may include text, images, graphs as well as videos and audio. You can prepare your poster in the format that you find more suitable (PDF, PowerPoint, .mp4, .mpg, avi.).
The only rule is: keep it short!
For PDF you should limit your documentation to a single page (ideally 1080 x 1536 px), PowerPoint presentation should include no more than 3 slides.
The maximum duration of a video is 5 minutes.
Please send us your E-Poster via a file transfer website (like WeTransfer: or Smash
Be creative!
We want to make our poster session as effective and inclusive as possible: if you have any creative ideas or suggestions about formats or virtual rooms, please send us an email or write in the Google Groups ( and we will take them into consideration.
Deadline extended:
In order to present a poster, please send a title and a short abstract to our committee by September 25th, 2020 ( By September 30th, 2020 you will receive a notification from the steering committee whether your E-Poster has been accepted. E-Posters should be submitted by October 28th, 2020.
Best wishes,
Mark Depauw, Tom Gheldof and the steering committee