GEPHYRA 19, 2020 – Table of Contents
- The Ancient Routes and New Lycian Inscriptions around Fethiye, Fatih ONUR, Ş. Recai TEKOĞLU
- Vier Brüder, ein Grab: Rekonstruktion und Interpretation von I.Milet VI 2, 783, Karin WIEDERGUT
- An Idol-shaped Stele with an Old Phrygian Inscription in the Territory of Nakoleia, Rahşan TAMSÜ POLAT, Yusuf POLAT, Alexander LUBOTSKY
- Vom Symbol zum Ebenbild: Die Entstehung des Münzporträts in der griechisch-persischen Tradition, Wilhelm MÜSELER
- Emperor Tiberius and His praecipua legionum cura in a New Bronze Tablet from AD 14, Peter ROTHENHÖFER
- Dionysiac Associations among the Dedicants of Hosios kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia, Altay COŞKUN
- The Location of Mount Masa on the Northern Border of Hellenistic Lycia, Fatih ONUR
- Two New Milestones from the Territory of Juliopolis, Fatma AVCU
- New Inscriptions from the Museum of Eskişehir, Büşra KARABULUT
- Neue Weihungen an Hosios kai Dikaios aus dem Museum von Eskişehir, Nalan Eda AKYÜREK ŞAHİN, Hüseyin UZUNOĞLU
- A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum, Zeynep Sencan ALTINOLUK