Call for proposals “Manes adite paterni!” International Conference (Heidelberg, 20-21 July 2018) UPDATE


The research group LITTERA of the University of Barcelona in collaboration with the Department of Classical Philology of the University of Heidelberg is calling for proposals for the international conference Manes adite paterni!” Family Spirits in the Greco-Roman World that will take place on the days 20-21 of July 2018 at the Department of Classical Philology of the University of Heidelberg.

The conference aims to reconsider the confused panorama concerning the different types of supernatural beings (Manes, Penates, Lares, Genii, δαίμονες, ἥρωες, etc.), with special emphasis on the family circle. Focus of the conference will be the Greco-Roman world from the origins to the Early Christianity. The objective is to stress the existence of a continuity among the different traditions concerning the beliefs on the life after death. Proposals are expected to deal with the following subjects: the lexical choice to denominate spirits and ghosts; the ritual and material component of the family death cult and the magical practices against spirits; the philosophical thought about the nature of the spirits as well as on the destiny of the human soul, etc.

The approach is multidisciplinary. In this sense, not only philologists are invited to apply but also philosophers, epigraphists, papirologists, archeologists and historians.

The proceedings of the conference will be published in the monographic series of the scientific review Anuari de Filologia Antiqua et Mediaevalia ( after a double peer-review.

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