The Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica and Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica have been published and are now available at
Dobias-Lalou, Catherine. Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica in collaboration with Alice Bencivenni, Hugues Berthelot, with help from Simona Antolini, Silvia Maria Marengo, and Emilio Rosamilia; Dobias-Lalou, Catherine. Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica in collaboration with Alice Bencivenni, with help from Joyce M. Reynolds and Charlotte Roueché. Bologna: CRR-MM, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, 2017. ISBN 9788898010684,
The corpus, edited in TEI EpiDoc, is available in English, French, Italian and Arabic. It contains almost 1000 inscriptions including numerous new texts, with metadata, images, translations in English, Italian and French, apparatus, commentary and bibliography.
Texts and descriptions can be searched and browsed by a number of indexes provided.
Images are also separately available at