Cultic Graffiti across the Mediterranean and beyond
The ‘Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity’ is a major five-year project funded by the European Research Council and based primarily at the University of Oxford. The project, which runs until December 2018, is investigating the origin of the cult of saints across all the languages of early Christianity (Latin, Greek, Syriac, Coptic, Georgian and Armenian), from its very beginnings in around AD 300 to c. AD 700, by which time almost all the practices we associate with saintly cult were firmly established.
In order to explore these graffiti in their fullest possible context, the conference, while focused primarily on the Christian graffiti of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, will also examine earlier ‘pagan’ practice, and the very active cultic graffiti of early Islam.
Bryan Ward-Perkins, ‘Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity’ ERC Project P.I.
Antonio E. Felle, ‘Epigraphic Database Bari’ Project Coordinator