– The American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (ASGLE) will sponsor the First North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy on 5 January 2011 in San Antonio, TX one day before the annual APA/AIA meetings. At our annual Business Meeting in Anaheim, CA in early January 2010 we will decide on fees, deadlines, and abstract submission guidelines, which will be posted on the ASGLE website.
-The 2010 ASGLE APA Panel will be held in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, January 9 from 8:30 – 11:00 AM.
Greek and Latin Inscriptions: New Discoveries
Organizers: Paul Iversen and Stephen V. Tracy
The line-up of speakers includes:
-Nikolaos Papzarkadas, University of California, Berkeley and D. Sourlas. “A New Fragment of IG I³ 1149 (Epitaph for the Argives Killed at the Battle of Tanagra).”
-Gerald V. Lalonde, Grinnell College. “Two ‘New’ Horos Inscriptions of the Boule of the Areiopagos: Epigraphy and Topography.”
-John D. Morgan, University of Delaware. “Athens and the Aleuads.”
-Nora Dimitrova and Kevin Clinton, Cornell University. “Maroneia Honors Q. Lutatius Catulus in Samothrace.”
-Christopher Wallace, University of Toronto. “Murder, Mayhem and Salt: IPriene 111 and the publicani in Roman Asia.”
-Steven L. Tuck, Miami University. “Fistulae and Freedmen: Lead Water Pipes and Shifting Imperial Realities on the Bay of Naples.”