Two sets of seminars of interest to epigraphers (I’m a little late passing on the first one):
Epigraphy North:
All students and teaching staff are welcome to this ongoing series of talks on epigraphical subjects. The seminars are particularly useful for graduate students and advanced undergraduates who are interested in learning about inscriptions and epigraphical methods.
Tuesday 28th October 17.30 – Liverpool
Bosanquet Seminar Room 12-14 Abercromby Square, The University of Liverpool
Graham Oliver (Liverpool): Another look at the Priests of Poseidon (Syll.3 1020)
There will a strong teaching element with working from squeezes and photographs.Tuesday 25th November 17.00 – Manchester
Room 3.211, University Place, Oxford Road, Manchester
Ted Kaizer (Durham) The epigraphy of PalmyraFor further details please contact Graham Oliver
I assume there must be some epigraphy in at least some of these seminars in the Classical Archaeology series:
Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, Room N336, 17:00
October 29 Maria Stamatopoulou The sanctuary of Pasikrata in the southern cemetery of Demetrias
December 3 Milena Melfi Patrons, worshippers and generals: reconsidering Early Roman presence in the sanctuaries of Greece.
March 11 Olga Palagia Philip’s Eurydice in the Philippeion at Olympia
For more information: