Reviewed in BMCR 2008.06.28:
Silvia Orlandi, Epigrafia anfiteatrale dell’occidente romano. VI. Roma. Anfiteatri e strutture annesse con una nuova edizione e commento delle iscrizioni del Colosseo. Vetera, 15. Roma: Quasar, 2004. Pp. 600; pls. 28. ISBN 978-88-7140-265-9. €84.00 (pb).
Reviewed by R.T. Scott, Bryn Mawr College (
Word count: 833 words
Scott provides a short but glowing review of this volume of over 300 texts, focussing on the subtleties and historical focus of the study. The review ends with the words:
Orlandi’s teacher, Silvio Panciera, is fond of reminding his students that the real task of the epigraphist is to study not inscriptions but the world that has created them. In this splendid and authoritative volume Silvia Orlandi has done just this with great credit to him and to the memory of Patrizia Sabbatini Tumolesi.